
There are direct messages in Near social. So we can easily introduce messages between NEAR accounts and even attach some tokens there.

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Nice idea.
It would be nice to be able to send a message to a NEAR account (via an onchain app potentially) and being able to read them and answer them from here.

@marcelo In theory any dapp with near account through mastodon api can send a dm here. May need a backend so your api keys are not exposed. @zavodil maybe try it with tipbot to send dms

@marcelo yeah my idea was to create a mailbox contract, dapp will send messages to that contract (say “your nft has been sold”). Near social will check that mailbox and automatically notify user. Another approach is to introduce a parameter ‘receiver_accoound_id’ and ‘message’ so will be able just to scan all indexer transactions and ping corresponding users. Those messages will be free, but anti-spam system will be needed

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