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Work in progress from the next evolution of the GLITCH BREAKS series..."Bb Minor IV"

9 x Fractionalised "samples" from the physical MUSIC GRAFFITI painting are manipulated into visual stems...that are then mixed together to make a 4 second burst video "track".

An audio sample is then added to each track - in this case a bass synth loop in BB Minor.

Sound On !

@futured @zavodil @thewiki

Events logged by smart contacts are collected, a special daemon monitors the events coming from thewiki.near and posts on behalf of thewike.near through Mastodon API

@thewiki Web3 is here. Onchain action sent a real time notification to my smartphone 🚀 Great job @mob

@cudam321 They have stNEAR/Aurora available for collateral/borrowing. It's ahead of PLY.

But they don't tell the reward amount that you supposed to get from day one. Which sucks.

Since both PLY and Bastion tokens are merely Governance tokens, it's unclear what will be the market cap, once the tokens are released.

The first API endpoint based on data is live at

You can call it for any account that is registered here and get the profile info, pictures and the social graph

Actually you may be able to get 26.4% APR by staking to MetaPool and depositing full stNEAR amount to OIN finance. According to their UI you get 15.16% APR in META.

cc @cacossio

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If you are looking to get an APR on your NEAR without exposing much to other tokens, there are 3 options:
1) Simple staking delegation, earning about 11.5% (compounded)
2) Staking to aurora pool, earning 16.9% (linearly)
3) Staking to metapool and farming stNEAR/wNEAR at 16.25% (mixed)
4) Stake to metapool, deposit STNEAR to Burrow, borrow NEAR, repeat. ~14.66% after 2 loops

@haenko you profit from near growth, because during liquidation you keep your near, but lose stables. The only caveat if the price retreats.

@colibri maybe you need to confirm some role or spambot on discord

On the same line of this proposal:
It would be nice to build signed proofs of events happening on (like toots and maybe DM) so we can integrate them easily with contracts on NEAR. It will work with an oracle that verifies the content is signed by the platform. We still need to trust whoever runs the infrastructure doesn’t go rogue, but we can iterate on this later.

@marcelo In theory any dapp with near account through mastodon api can send a dm here. May need a backend so your api keys are not exposed. @zavodil maybe try it with tipbot to send dms

So it maybe one of the best way get into the risk on positions.
But it does have some caveats: like interests paid on the collateral and borrowed assets may be different, so your staked rewards will be canceled by NEAR interests.

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It means you'd be able to put USD* as a collateral and burrow NEAR. Then you can stake that NEAR and earn about 11% APR on it. If the price goes up, you will be liquidated and maybe going to pay 1-2% in discount on the way (which is like a fee when you buy), but if NEAR price goes down, you are not going to be liquidated, so you can increase your position more, because your collateral in USD* still keeps your value.

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Social network for NEAR ecosystem