Mobile app works great! Just download mastodon app from the store, select ‘’ server and use credentials from

@zavodil It doesn't work on my side. What did you use for the email field?

@mob @zavodil very weird, I logged out logged in with my web browser, no pb. On mobile, ofc using same credentials, it does work. I have a Invalid E-mail address or password error.

@colibri @zavodil are you on iPhone? If so you need to find as a mastodon server

@mob @zavodil Yes, this is what I did. I have re tried, and still, same error. Let me remove and re install the app.

@colibri @zavodil It might be a bug with a password setup. I’ll try to login with another account later. Will let you know

@zavodil @mob error with the password on my side 🤦‍♂️

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