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Please reply with the suggestions on how to improve @zavodil keeps adding cool new features, but what would make you post more frequently, what can make you check it more often?

I'm Marcelo, previously NEAR Core Engineer, and Rainbow Bridge 🌈 developer, currently hacking on Aurora as a lead of the protocol team.

I speak Spanish 🇨🇺 🇪🇸 and still enjoy participating in programming competitions.

Looking forward to connect with more members of NEAR ecosystem.

Which feature should we implement first in the Near.Social dApps catalog? -social

I am Sasha, and I building a community of founders who help each other to launch successful projects on NEAR, check it out:

I hope this social network will also focus on building a culture of helping each other and providing useful insights to others

It’s time try tags and trending.
Let’s start with tag. Use it to introduce yourself. I’m Eugene. I love to launch experimental projects to demonstrate what’s possible on NEAR ecosystem. I helped launch NEAR protocol and design the asynchronous runtime and smart contracts. If you have technical questions, just tag me here.

This service is a really awesome feature for anonymous contract deployment. Communication and community building has became much easier.

Also feel free to install a mobile app

Then use your newly generated email and password from page to login into a mobile app.

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Please add a profile picture and maybe a change your display name.

Also make sure to enable "Suggest account to others" in your profile settings, so other people could find you.


Social network for NEAR ecosystem