Made a zkSNARK “Hello world” program with verifier as a smart-contract on NEAR Protocol. link with full instruction how to build & deploy

Gas usage ~ 140Tgas, can be optimized more than that, but I think even this is good.

Now it’s time to implement “proof of set membership” with merkle tree component on a NEAR 😉

@mob any thoughts on this ?)

@magamedrasul may need to add some precompiles or use existing ones to optimize on gas

@mob haven’t found existing bn254/bls12 curve precompiles 🤷🏻‍♂️ (I’ve seen it in issues in nearcore/sdk, but no pr’s yet)
So I made it as optimal as possible 🤔.


@magamedrasul it’s super cool that even without pre compiled math it fits into gas limit

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